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Should You Write for Your Brand or the Journalist? PR Dilemma Unveiled


Image: Should You Write for Your Brand or the Journalist?  PR Dilemma Unveiled

Beverley Loke


August 16, 2024

Reading Time

6 min

Image: Should You Write for Your Brand or the Journalist?  PR Dilemma Unveiled

Should You Write for Your Brand or the Journalist? The Ultimate PR Dilemma Unveiled

Welcome to the rollercoaster of the PR world, where you constantly juggle between writing for your brand and crafting narratives that journalists will pick up.

It’s a dilemma that’s left many PR pros in a state of existential crisis. You can’t help but wonder “Should I be writing for my brand or the journalist?”, “What if my story doesn't get picked up?”

Well, hold on to that thought and let’s dive in further to unveil the ultimate PR dilemma!

The Brand Perspective: Be Your Own Hype Person

Imagine your brand as that super enthusiastic friend who never misses a chance to show off their new shoes, and yes, they're rocking them. Writing for your brand is like being that friend: you have to highlight every dazzling feature, every unique selling point (USP), and ensure that your brand's voice shines through.

Your brand needs to stand out like the star of its own reality show, complete with dramatic music and confetti. Hooray!

BUT.. of course, there comes with pros and cons when it comes to writing for your brand..


Pros of Writing for Your Brand

  • Control Freaks Unite:

When you write for your brand, you have full control over the narrative. It's like being the director of your own blockbuster movie. You get to choose the angles, the highlights, and the plot twists. Just make sure not to go overboard with the CGI effects.

  • Consistent Messaging:

Consistency is key, just like matching socks in the morning. Writing for your brand ensures that your message is as consistent as your morning coffee ritual. It helps build trust and recognition among your audience.

  • Brand Identity:

Your brand has its own personality. Is it sassy, sophisticated, or the quirky type? Writing for your brand lets you infuse its unique identity into every piece of content, making it as distinct as a unicorn in a field of horses. 🦄

Cons of Writing for Your Brand

  • Echo Chamber:

If you only write for your brand, you risk ending up in an echo chamber, where you’re talking to yourself and your three office plants. You might miss out on fresh perspectives and external validation.

  • Tunnel Vision:

Focusing solely on your brand can lead to tunnel vision, where you miss out on broader industry trends and insights.

Remember, there’s a whole world out there beyond your office walls.

  • Audience Fatigue:

If your brand is constantly in self-promotion mode, your audience might start tuning out like they would a lengthy infomercial.

Nobody wants to be the friend who only talks about themselves at parties🙄.

And now, let’s flip the script.

The Journalist Perspective: The Art of Seduction

Writing for the journalist is like being a master of seduction.

You’re trying to craft a story so irresistible that journalists can’t help but bite. It’s like being the guest on a talk show, where you need to deliver sound bites that leave the audience wanting more.


Pros of Writing for the Journalist

  • Credibility Boost:

When a journalist picks up your story, it’s like getting a gold star on your homework. It adds credibility and third-party validation that you just can’t get from self-promotion.

  • Broader Reach:

Journalists have audiences that are as diverse as the toppings on a pizza. By writing for journalists, you can reach wider audiences and tap into new markets. How’s that feeling of getting your brand featured on the front page of the internet?

  • Storytelling Mastery:

Journalists are natural storytellers. Writing for them forces you to hone your storytelling skills and craft narratives that are engaging, relatable, and newsworthy.

Cons of Writing for the Journalist

  • Lack of Control:

When you hand your story over to a journalist, you lose control over how it will be presented. It’s like sending your kid off to summer camp and hoping they don’t come back with a mohawk.

  • Tough Competition:

Journalists are bombarded with pitches like a celebrity at a fan convention. Your story needs to stand out, and sometimes even your best pitch might not make the cut.

  • Timing Challenges:

Journalists have their own deadlines and priorities. Sometimes, your story might not align with their editorial calendar, leaving you feeling like the person who shows up to a party the day after.

Finding the Perfect Balance

So, what’s the solution to this ultimate PR dilemma? The answer lies in finding the perfect balance between writing for your brand and the journalist.


Here’s how you can do it:

1. Know Your Audience

Understand the needs and interests of both your brand's audience and the journalists you’re targeting. Tailor your content to speak directly to them, whether it’s a compelling press release or a captivating brand story.

2. Create Newsworthy Content

Even when writing for your brand, focus on creating content that’s newsworthy and relevant. Ask yourself, “Would a journalist be interested in this story?” If the answer is yes, you’re on the right track.

3. Build Relationships

Cultivate relationships with journalists and media outlets. Treat them like friends, not just as means to an end. Engage with them on social media, share their content, and be genuinely interested in their work.

4. Embrace Flexibility

Be open to adapting your content based on feedback from journalists. If they suggest changes or different angles, consider them thoughtfully. Flexibility can lead to more successful media placements.

5. Measure Success

Set clear goals for both brand-focused and journalist-focused content. Measure success through metrics like media coverage, audience engagement, and brand recognition. Adjust your strategy based on what works best.

Conclusion: The Great PR Balancing Act

In the world of PR, writing for your brand and the journalist isn’t an either-or scenario. It’s a balancing act that requires creativity and strategy.

By understanding the strengths and limitations of both approaches, you can navigate the ultimate PR dilemma and create content that resonates with both your brand's audience and the media.

So, whether you’re channeling your inner brand ambassador or playing the role of a storytelling maestro, remember to enjoy the ride. After all, PR is all about making connections, telling stories, and occasionally laughing at yourself when things don’t go as planned.

Happy writing! ✒️