From Stray To Star: Local Pet Food Brand Spotlights Singapore’s Increasingly Abandoned Cats and Dogs For A Good Cause
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Image: Rescue cat Soya beside his own feature product
You’ve seen it before on the market shelves: the most well-groomed cats or dogs gracing the front of pet food products. But these product stars, who look like they’re pampered with lots of love on image, are usually pedigrees.
Gold-D, a homegrown pet supplies brand, is out to challenge this norm.
The faces of their pet products are entirely rescue animals, some of which are the exclusively local mixed-breeds known as Singaporean Specials. These rescues were once strays in poor health, or abused and abandoned pets who later found forever homes. By featuring them, Gold-D hopes to change the mainstream preference for purchasing pedigrees and encourage more Singaporeans to adopt, not shop.
The message they want conveyed? All cats and dogs are worthy of love and are capable of being the most loving companions — all they need is a chance.
Gold-D’s profits go back to funding animal rescue efforts for its parent organisation Animal Human Alliance (AHA), an enterprise started by Mr Chan Chow Wah. Mr Chan began his animal rescue journey 20 years ago when he adopted his first community cat. It opened his eyes to the plight of strays, many of which don’t always have the luxury of living in a cat-loving community and required special care.
When Mr Chan adopted 2 FIV+ (a disease known as Feline Immunovirus Deficiency) cats, he also learnt that most pet foods use carrageenan, an ingredient some studies have linked to cancer. For vulnerable FIV+ felines, even the slightest health risks could spell imminent death. Thus, Gold-D was developed as a carrageenan-free pet food alternative, along with a line of other pet-health-conscious products.
The impact of what started as a personal rescue effort has now catapulted AHA onto the 2023 Singapore 500 SME Company list. Today, AHA and Gold-D help keep cats and dogs all over Asia, the US and Europe safe and healthy — on top of the 100+ animals that AHA has adopted and cared for till the end of their lives.
Having a master's in social anthropology, Mr Chan is also actively involved in publications that raise awareness of animal welfare issues. One of them is his passion for producing short documentaries, including the award-winning Year of the Dog (2021).

Image: Poster for Year of the Dog
AHA sponsors re-screenings of their documentaries occasionally for fundraising efforts, and the public can support them by keeping in touch with their socials.
We would like to invite you to speak to Mr Chan Chow Wah, founder of Gold-D and AHA, who will gladly share more on these:
- His 20-year involvement in local animal rescue work
- Convenience euthanasia, an issue that Mr Chan is against and which AHA intervenes by specialising in animal palliative (end-of-life) care
- Directing his own documentaries that give visibility to animal welfare issues
About AHA:
Established in 2013, AHA is best known for its Gold-D products which are carefully formulated to be free from any ingredients that pose potential health risks. In the local community, they’re also known for their rescue work involvement, especially in palliative care for animals who are terminally ill and are unlikely to be adopted. For that, AHA is a strong advocate for anti-convenience euthanasia. AHA made the Singapore 500 SME Company list in 2023, and its products are sold in Asia, USA and Europe. For more information, visit: